About Us

Ayurveda, the most ancient health science, moreover an eternal science of life is a rich source of natural remedies for all kinds of health problems. Many formulations from Ayurveda are practiced today and few have been used as folklore.

In this modern scientific world, one of the biggest challenges faced by Ayurveda is the inability to convey the scientific action of Ayurvedic medicine and concepts through evidence-based research and experimental works. Though the new Ayurvedic fraternity is working on understanding and also explains the mode of action of several Ayurvedic medicines, it still has far to go.

Ayurveda is practiced firmly believing in its basic principle and teachings of the experiences of our scholars. Our ancient sages through their deep understanding of nature and its relation to the body contributed immensely to developing the eternal science of life from the beginning of mankind.

Ayurveda has been a treasure of natural remedies, as it is said that ”there is nothing in the world that it cannot be used as a remedy.” Many simple formulations are used as folklore medicines in different parts of India and are restricted to limited people and mostly these have their origin in Ayurveda.

‘Ayurvedic Kidney Stone Treatment’ is an effort to bring those helpful, proven methods to common people and spread the health benefits of this to those who are in need.

Kidney stones are one of the increasing and most painful conditions making people get hospitalization. Ayurveda has explained the formation, symptoms, types, remedies, and preventive measures centuries back. In search of finding a solution to kidney stones, we have come up with many formulations from Ayurveda that are very effective. Our formulation is a natural medication for kidney stones. This helps in dissolving kidney stones in minimal time duration and also prevents further formation of stones.

Key Features of our Treatment:

  • Natural treatment with no side effects.
  • Cost-effective.
  • Prevents reoccurrence.
  • Faster results.
  • Safer.
  • Painless removal of Kidney stones.